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A Dog's Letter to Santa

Dear Santa:

I am so excited to be able to write you Santa because I have a very special Christmas request this year. You see, this past year has been crazy but in August I got adopted and got to go to my forever home after almost being put down. I was so scared in the shelter that it made me bark like crazy and no one wanted me because they didn’t think I was a very good boy——even though all twenty-six of the other dogs and cats I came in with from a hoarder home all got adopted, which made me lonely and even more sad. No one would take me Santa. It was like I was a broken toy that no kid wants. All these people would walk by and always go home with another dog. It made me cry at night. They were about to take me to the back room and send me over “Rainbow Bridge” when my new Dad came and got me. I was so happy---although I miss Ms. Bonnie, who walked me every day and prayed that someone would choose me. She is the one that told my Dad that we would be a good match. I think that she is probably a Christmas Angel. Santa, will you please get her something really nice for Christmas this year?

At my new house I get to walk every day and take naps on the couch on my big overstuffed chair that overlooks the park (its where I lay waiting for Dad to get home from work). There are lots of squirrels and rabbits for me to try and chase, and I have plenty of food. When my dad leaves on trips there are all these different people that come to visit me and take care of me while he is gone (they give me even more walks than he does). I don’t bark anymore because I am so happy. I have been a really good boy Santa---I promise. I have not torn up any of my Dad’s things and I have done a really good job of always going to potty outside. 

I like sleeping on my dad’s pillow when he is getting ready for work and I sleep under the covers in his big people bed with him at night and stay right next to him so nothing bad will happen to him. I love him so much. He takes me on lots of rides when he has to go do errands or gets something to eat (I don't think he likes leaving me), and I protect him from the cars passing by while we are driving. I have also learned to be a good listener when he has a bad day at work or is just sad. He talks to me a lot. Sometimes I just sit in his lap and give him kisses on those bad days. He told me lots of times how I saved him. He said that I am his “Wing Man”---I don’t know what the means but I think it is good. Also, we like to watch TV together. I really like NCIS.

I have got to do lots of fun things since coming to live with my new Dad. I ran in a 5K race with him that helped raise money for “Fallen Soldiers” kids to go to college. There were lots of people and they were really nice to me. I also got to go something called Mud Volleyball. The dogs at the shelter would really like this Santa. Lots of people, food, fun and mud.  Then I got to get my picture in the paper with a story about me to try and help get other dogs adopted. Lots of people said I looked really happy when they saw my picture—I hope it helped. Then this nice lady from a place called the Chamber of Commerce asked if I would go Christmas shopping with some other dogs to promote local businesses and I got my picture taken again--- and they put me on Facebook. People like to take lots of pictures Santa. I found out that I have some cousins (Max) and (Maddie). They came to visit me for a couple of weeks. I found out that Maddie got adopted just like me from the same shelter. She is really nice (I think it’s because she came out of a shelter and all shelter dogs are good dogs).

Santa, I have thought a lot about it and instead of a chew bone, or squeaky toys, or treats this year I just want one thing. It is kind of big though. I really want all my friends at the shelter to get adopted like me and Maddie so they can be real happy like us Santa. Sometimes when I am laying by the Christmas tree and fire place in my new house I feel really sad when I think about all of them still in the shelter, where it is loud and smells real bad. It is really scary in there Santa. So can you please, please help get them out of there so they can have the best Christmas ever? Santa, you can talk to people.They will listen to you. If you can’t save all of them will you at least take them lots of toys and treats until they can find a forever home? My dad said this is the season for miracles and I know you can do this. I really have been a good boy this year and this is only thing on my list. I believe in miracles and I believe in you Santa. I know all the dogs in shelter do too. Thank you.

Charlie the Dog

PS:  I didn’t even eat any of the cookies and milk my Dad left for you. Merry Christmas


  1. Charlie, I'll tell Santa, too! Can he tell all the people about kitties as well. I have 3 or them and 2 puppies, so I don't want to leave anyone out.


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